
The vanishing of ethan carter sniper rifle
The vanishing of ethan carter sniper rifle

It’s about an old man who drinks sap alone. Next to a tree we find a story written by Ethan to his granddad. The ground is covered with skulls and bones here. When we find all the traps the world switches into a grey dreamworld. This story is revealed in the forest outside the tunnel where the game starts. This said I can reveal straight away that I am of the belief that Ethan does die and the camera flying away at the end of the last cut scene is meant to represent his soul. The ending of this game could be interpreted in many ways I think. Looking closer at Paul Prospero’s name we can see references to literature such as Shakespeare’s The Tempest and The Masque of the Red Death about man’s futile attempts to stave off death. There are clues like this scattered all through the game. I think this is intended to indicate how long it took for Ethan to inevitably suffocate from smoke inhalation. After they show the father and mother trying to get buckets of water to put the fire out they show Ethan one last time. Finally in the last cut scene when Ethan lays down in the bed after the house starts on fire the clock reads 7:00. The first clock you see at the train station and another clock in the pumping station. On one side it was 7:00 and the other side was 7:04. It pointed out that all the clocks throughout the game had two different time s. I did a bit of research online to see if anyone else had found this strange and I discovered a forum post on the subject. Or to the beginning? One thing that I found strange at the time of playing this game was the focus on the time of the clock when Ethan was seemingly suffocating at the very end. Trust me, unless you’ve actually played through it completely then the below theories won’t just be spoilers, it will be boring since you’ll have no idea what I’m talking about! INSTEAD OF READING THIS ANALYSIS JUST GO TO THE REVIEW I MADE:

The vanishing of ethan carter sniper rifle